Charitable Fund

Save Yourself Saving Cows

Charitable Fund

Save Yourself Saving Cows

About us

Our shelter for cows was established 15 years ago in 2008 in Russia. We rescue cows, feed them, take care of them, receive guests and talk about our mission of Protecting the Mother Cow.

The scriptures say: mistreatment and killing of cows is a big sin that will not remain without consequences.

We are doing our best to give protection to these amazing creatures. Each cow and each bull are individuals, with their own personalities and their own unique stories of salvation.

At the present moment there are more than 90 cows, bulls and calves living happily in the shelter.

By taking part in the rescue of cows, bulls and calves from slaughter, you can experience such warm human feelings as Kindness and Mercy.

Dear friends!

There is a deep connection between our attitude to the Mother Cow and our physical and spiritual well-being. Therefore, I’d like to invite you to participate in this merciful and blessed initiative of protecting the Mother Cow.

Ekaterina Bondareva
The President of the Charitable Foundation

Natalia Karpenko,

the Founder of the Shelter

Message from the Founder of the Shelter for Cows Natalia Ivanovna Karpenko:

Dear friends of the cow shelter and participants of the Cow Protection Movement!

We appeal to you to continue this great Mission of protecting the Mother Cow with your passionate desire to help and save humanity from death, which comes from killing the mother cow, eating her meat and drinking her milk, obtained at mini slaughterhouses (each farmstead which keeps animals with the purpose of eating them or selling them is called a mini slaughterhouse).

The mission has many tasks and only together we can solve them. Everything in the world starts with information, and you and I can do it every day and anywhere. The family is the first link where we can speak openly, inspire and involve all the family members in the Mission. When we work together, helping each other with love, it strengthens the true values and relationships in the family.

We call upon you, upon everyone, to have compassion for the people who kill and eat mother cows out of ignorance, according to the habit and custom of the self-destructive world. Only you and I, together, can teach others not to kill cows.

By saving cows from slaughter, we are giving the world the only elite medicinal products from happy cows, filled with the energy of Love, Kindness and Happiness!

Start doing it now, today and always, everywhere out of compassion and mercy to your loved ones, to people, to animals according to the laws of Love. Talk, write, call, discuss it and create your blogs, pages, make this topic the goal of your life and bring this Love to all the living things, to everyone, always and everywhere!

Be peacemakers and be proud of it! Feed the planet with violence-free food! And may everyone become happy and healthy! Peacemakers of the planet, the fate of humanity is in your hands! Remember this and do not remain indifferent to human grief and suffering of animals!

Peace and prosperity are in our hands!

Let's give humanity knowledge for salvation!


Save the Children Saving Cows
One of our main goals is to contribute to health and education of the youth – the building blocks of their general well-being. For many years now, on a charitable basis, we have been inviting young people to visit our cow shelter, thus giving them the opportunity to experience the natural lifestyle and learn the importance of the Mother Cow Protection.

Here children learn how to milk cows and feed them. They communicate with these amazing creatures, exchanging joyful and positive emotions. Mercy, Love and Compassion are the main human qualities that every child acquires here when he or she gets in touch with the cows of the shelter.

Children usually spend the whole day in the fresh air, far from the stress of big cities. They enjoy fresh milk, butter and cottage cheese - the precious gifts of the Mother cow.

News and Events
Support our shelter and give Mother cows a loving home.
Name of the Organization: Charity Fund for the world rescue and protection of cows "I SAVE THE PLANET"

TIN 9724135383
RRC (Registration Reason Code) 772401001
Bank account 40703810400000738540
PSRN/PSRNSP 1237700409011

Bank «Tinkoff Bank»
BIC of the bank 044525974
TIN of the bank 7710140679
The correspondent account of the bank 30101810145250000974
QR-code for payment
By making donations, you agree to the terms of the public offer
+7 (916) 743-53-66

Address: 7-2 Oktiabrskaya street
Belkovskiy village
Veniovskiy district 301336
Tulskaya region
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